20 Juni 2009

I Believe My Heart

ada lagu yang udah lamaaaa banget gue suka dan sekarang baru keingetan lagi.
judulnya I Believe My heart, lagu ini gue inget waktu pertama kali gue nonton barbie animasi. keren banget suara mereka bikin gue merinding!! yang nyanyi si Duncan James dan keedie..

ini lyricnya silahkaan.. dan ini link youtubenya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4bAe5Wk_i8&feature=related

I Believe My Heart

Whenever I see your face the world disappears,
All in a single glance so revealing.
You smile and I feel as though I've know you for years.
How do I know to trust what I'm feeling?

I believe my heart,
What else can I do?
When every part of every thought leads me straight to you.
I believe my heart.
There's no other choice,
For now whenever my heart speaks, I can only hear your voice

The life-time before we met has faded away.
How did I live a moment without you?
You don't have to speak at all, I know what you'd say.
And I know every secret about you.

I believe my heart.
It believes in you.
It's telling me that what I see is completely true.
I believe my heart.
How can it be wrong?
It says that what I feel for you I will feel my whole life long.

I believe my heart.
It believes in you.
It's telling me that what I see is completely true.
And with all my soul
I believe my heart.
The portrait that it paints of you is a perfect work of art.

bagaimana? apa menurut kalian biasa? wah? ataau malaah??? entah apa responnya hhe

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